19. 12. 30
posted by: Super User
Hits: 3862

Respect - For clients security and Information.

Integrity - To provide the best support we are able to

ITIL - Using ITIL as the framework for management. 

19. 01. 08
posted by: Aiden Jelinek
Hits: 7167

Our Partners

JCI Strategically aligns themselves with companies that will help grow it's business.

Supporting a wide variety of hardware and software, JCI picks the best companies to work with. This gives our clients an overall view of solutions that are currently available. Even though we recommend a particular product, we will work with any product that the client want's. Even if it is the bleeding edge.


Our Clients



Have a Questions?



Want more information on a particular product or service?

Leave it to us. We will research and find the correct answer to your questions. Whether it is hardware or software question that you have, we will provide advise based on our many years of experience.


19. 01. 08
posted by: Aiden Jelinek
Hits: 57522

Welcome to Jelinek Consultants International

The staff at JCI have a firm belief in giving their best and providing solutions that are outside normal thinking. We ask that you provide us with your vision and we will provide a solution that not only enhances your ideas, but meets your budgetary requirements.



19. 01. 08
posted by: Aiden Jelinek
Hits: 7033

Service Overview

Jelinek Consultants International will augment your current IT services and support with a strategy and roadmap to suit all business types.

Staff and employees of small and midsize companies are consummate generalists. They are able, by necessity, to wear many hats throughout the course of a normal workday: sales rep, customer relationship manager, number cruncher and even IT guy. But most small businesses can't effectively handle their business and their IT. JCI delivers hourly IT support services with fast, friendly support on an as-needed basis, by the hour or by the project, for major initiatives issues, routine maintenance and everything in between.


Our services facilitate identification of current strengths and improve areas of various disciplines such as strategic alignment, governance and IT maturity. Utilising ITIL for management and strategy allows for a roadmap of recommendations. This approach helps develop a structured and well defined action plan to enhance your business.

The list of our services is not limited to the below.

•Consulting Services

•1st Level Services

•2nd Level Services

•3rd Level Services

•Infrastructure Solutions

•Infrastructure Management

•Network Design

•Network Troubleshooting

•Server Management

•Server Support

•Server Maintenance

•Consolidation Advice

•VMWare Technologies

•Microsoft Technologies

•Linux Support

•Microsoft Support

•Apple Support

•Migration Assessment

•Migration Consulting

•Security Auditing

•Virus Auditing

•Cyber Security

•BYOD Advice

•Based on ITIL


19. 01. 08
posted by: Aiden Jelinek
Hits: 7240

Any Solution Required

With out of the box thinking high on our priority list, JCI will provide solutions that will meet our clients requirements.

Many Years of experience working with companies both large and small, has given JCI an unique outlook on customers requirements. Whether they need advice on cooling requirements for a data centre, or the best notebook for the secretary, JCI can advise on the specified requirements that meet your financial needs. We may not advise the cheapest solution, but be assured that what we do recommend just works.

Company Solution

 •Microsoft Server Solutions

Microsoft Email Solutions

•Azure Cloud Solutions

•Replication Solutions

•Virtual Solutions including VPS

•Networking Solutions